Monday 15 October 2012

A day in my life

"Oh Alura,I always knew it.Somewhere out there,behind the scenes,a person like you just had to exist.Please go out with me!" Jared Padalecki  is on his knee before me,pleading. "I appreciate you so much more! Choose me instead!" begs Misha Collins,clearly enamored."Are you really going to let these idiots brainwash you,Alura? Come on,you know better than that."Jensen Ackles gazes at me with those smoldering eyes."Just who are you calling idiots,you freak?" demands Misha ,his blue eyes flaming."I think"Jared protests angrily-"Alura should-" BRRRRRINNGGGG!!

I force my eyes open and blink blearily at the alarm clock.Drat! 5 minutes more,is that too much to ask for? "Ok"I sigh and drag myself out of bed,accepting the fact that morning,though a regrettable part of the day,is still a part of life.Maybe someday,in some world,waking up in the morning will be forbidden.Hey,a girl can dream!

I stagger into school in a zombie like haze a few hours later.12th is hell.Earlier it used to be get up,get ready,go to school.Now it's like get up,study for two hours,then get ready and go.Even before I enter the building,the first thing I see:bf and gf.As usual,coochie cooing and cuddling up."Oh stop it,you!" snickers gf and smacks bf,who stares at her dreamily.God,give me a washbasin,I need to puke.Then as I walk into the classroom,another beautiful sight for sore eyes.(NOT)- that's Bert and Ernie,going through their daily ritual of ignoramus and minutes later,"boohoo come into my arms!" No,don't get me wrong.They're not gay.In fact,Bert is still tolerable,despite being a world class geek and I know best attitude,but Ernie......Ernie's insufferable.He has to be the biggest male chauvinist pig you've ever met,going around with his nose in air ,declaring the superiority of men over women( who,according to him are fit only for house chores like cooking and cleaning,and YES,in the 21st century). Never mind that he's got these deep, bottomless eyes I happen to lose myself in every time I look into them.

I try my best to ignore them."Hi,Alura!" my best friend in class,Dean,greets me."Hey" I smile back.Dean's the only one who keeps me going in this purgatory slash torture chamber of a school.Adam is not far behind."How was the weekend?" "Same old"I shrug."Studies and more-" "Oh Alura,HI!" Lillith's piercing shriek makes me jump a mile."uh...hi" I smile queasily,wishing she'd go back into the pit she came out of.Just then,the pealing of the bell tells us class is gonna begin soon,so Prefects,shoo the chickens back into the coop,or the fox will screw them all.Thank God,I think.I'm spared.As we wait for prayer to start,I look around.The usual activities going on.Lucifer is working most diligently on a complex math problem,hoping to impress Alastair some day.After all Lucifer's in love with him.Speaking of which,what's the first period? Oh FRICK!Crowley!! And I didn't even do his homework.Craptastic.Now he's going to torture me,nice and slow.

But Thank Cass, the homework is not asked for. Stupid crossroads demon must've forgotten. Oh well, good for me. Next we have Famine's class. As usual, as soon as she enters, everyone starts craving something- which in this case is mostly sleep. So one more class flies by, in series of waking dreams, slipping in and out of a drunken stupor. What next? Oh NO. it''s.... GORDON!!!!!!!!!!!! help!! She's in a frightful mood today. "You children don't know the value of education these days" are her first words to us as she squeezes her generous bottom into the chair, which groans understandably from its burden. "Please, may we have a free period? It's too hot! Please!" begs Dick, and the other Leviathans take up the request too. "Absolutely not!" Gordon purses her rubbery lips and then proceeds to lecture us on the great importance of shedding buckets and buckets of sweat, because only then will a student understand the worth of good education, blah-blah-blah........ I rub my temples and mentally curse the Leviathans. They knew she was in a bad mood. Why did they have to go and bargain for the free period? God. The period goes by with Gordon going on and on with her preaching. When the bell goes, "You children never let me teach" is her complaint. Bah!

When we have Alastair's Math period later, no one's in the mood to study. Well, that isn't exactly new, and Alastair is not surprised. He's relentless, a slave-driver. Sadistic man. He begins writing sums on the board with a flourish of chalk. I'm busy writing, when a series of grunts and chuckles grabs my attention. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Cupid nudging Meg, so hard I'm amazed poor Meg doesn't fall off his seat. But Meg doesn't  seem so "poor" anymore when he seizes his tie and stuffs the end of it into his mouth. Disgusting boy! Dean giggles when I tell him about it. Cupid and Co look our way and Meg lets his tie fall out of his open mouth. Allegedly, he's in love with me. <Sigh> Why me, I wonder?

I leave for home finally at half past four in a ponderous mood. I wonder why it's Meg, and not Bobby. Or even Ernie and his bottomless eyes. Ugh, no, not him. I would hate to have a boyfriend who doesn't respect me, even if his eyes are dark and mysterious. Bobby would be fine. More than fine, actually.
I wonder why I'm not adept at Maths, and wish I had my father's brains until I remember that I wouldn't be able to write poetry and other such stuff if I did have them, and then I'm thankful.
I also wonder why chocolate cake is sinful, and smelly fish are worshiped in Bengal.

Above all, I wonder.............. Why is Jensen Ackles so hot?

And there, you have a glimpse, just a sneak peek of a day in my life. <Believe me, you wouldn't want to see any more>