Tuesday 19 June 2012

Happy birthday, Bugzy :P


I never thought
I'd be lucky enough
To meet someone like you
Someone so crazy
someone so cool
Someone so extraordinarily real
Sympathetic when I 
Poured my heart out
You listened
And made me laugh when I cried
You taught me to face my fears
And never give up on myself
Because I'm me and I'm beautiful
And for all you did
I want to thank you
I want to tell you how I see you
You're perfect in your flaws
You're kind in your firmness
Funny when you don't mean to
And serious when you have to
You're amazing.

Bugzy........ well,what can I say about him?
He's just one of those guys who's irreplaceable- one in a zillion, no, one in a Kalmadi if you get my meaning :p

Now let's go back in time. When did I first meet Bugzy? And how? Ah,destiny,I could say, and very grand it would sound. Well, yes, a little, but the real deal was hardly as excitable. Then what was it, you ask? It was.... ho-hum, the more mundane concept of  uggh,school.

It was towards the end of 8th grade, when I was hanging out with my newly acquired friend P, that I first laid eyes on Bugzy. And the moment was...... no, I wasn't about to say magic. :O ( did you honestly expect me to say that?!!) It was hilarious, actually. Now, Bugzy dear, I'm not trying to embarrass you or anything, but seriously, those guys were at your throat like Hell hounds, ribbing you about a non existent affair( I won't mention with who, Bugzy knows very well :p), and watching you try to fend them off- a sight worth a million dollars, it was. "Shut up!" you swatted one of the merciless hounds, and he snickered. Huh, I smirked to myself from my corner. Interesting.

And then I made the epic mistake of asking P what the surrounded guy's name was (P, I'm sorry, I still love you, but you WERE being unreasonable). Annnnd P took it upon herself to drag me over and try to introduce me to Bugzy. It took a better part of my dignity,some amount of blackmailing and all of my entrepreneurial skills to escape from her clutches. Thank God I did, or my next Facebook status would have gone like "The awkward moment when....."

I saw Bugzy around everyday after that, in the corridors, in the lab,wherever, but never really had the guts to talk to him. I mean, you can't just march up to a total stranger and be all "Hey, can we be friends?" with a huge, almost demented sunshiney smile.So days passed. The ooh so scary Board exams came and breezed by in a flurry, and then suddenly one fine April evening, I receive a message- from, guess who? Yeah, Bugzy. It seemed that he wanted to be friends. Being a staunch believer in "boys are liars,jerks etc etc" i threatened to kick him in the solar plexus if all this happened to be a sick joke.

I know better now though. He's the kind of guy who'll ever think of playing anyone, not the kind who'll play jokes on people if he knows it's cruel to do so.

Bugzy....... he's an amazing friend to have. He's wacky, he's sweet, he's crazy, he's fun, and I'm damn lucky he's part of my life. Bugzy's just the kind of friend you'd sacrifice anything to have, because he's that awesome. He's the kind who'll do anything for you once he's promised his loyalty. He'll turn the world upside down to find your smile when it goes missing. He'll crack dumb jokes when you're sad, and if he can't take away your pain, he'll just make sure you're not alone. And he';; always be your friend. Cause he's Bugzy, and once more, he's awesome. And I adore him,. Do I love him? Maybe,perhaps a very teeny little bit so... Okay,kidding, I do. :D

Have an awesome birthday, and many more still, Bugzy. You deserve all the happiness in the world.

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